Live Actions

Taking action doesn’t just happen at the ballot boxes.

Our goal is to make taking action easy and accessible to all Washingtonians. Here you can find links to actions that you can take, most of which are fast actions that take 5 minutes or less.

To make activism as easily accessible as possible, we maintain all active actions, links, and resources on our WashingtonCAN Linktree landing page. Check it out and share it with your activist loved ones!


What’s on our linktree?

Click to Send Emails makes contacting elected officials and targeted emails available to the masses by designating a single link where people can enter their contact information, and our system will direct the prompted email to the targeted officials.

PRO tip: The emails can be personalized to maximize impact. The Click to Send format makes emailing an individual or group of people quick and easy.

Legislative Actions in session make a significant difference in urging the Legislature to act in the interests of the people they serve. Sometimes this will be signing in support or opposition of a bill, other times, it can be submitting testimony or otherwise.

Event Signup for WashingtonCAN events and coalition partners can also be found on the WashingtonCAN Linktree landing page.

Shareable Content is made available to spread the word and gain power in the movement. Don’t have time to devote or be in a position to contribute funds to the movement? Sharing the message and advocating is incredibly powerful.

Voter Guides and Resources are available around election cycles, including links to any WashingtonCAN campaign endorsements.