Posts in Housing Justice
Washington CAN Celebrates a Triumph with the Passage of I-135 Social Housing!

Washington CAN is ecstatic to announce the overwhelming passage of I-135, a landmark measure that presents a watershed moment in the movement for housing justice for all residents of Seattle.

With tireless door-to-door organizing and a passionate drive to gather signatures, Washington CAN, alongside House Our Neighbors and other community organizations, galvanized the community and made this critical issue a priority for voters in the special election. This victory demonstrates a deep commitment from the people of Seattle to address the affordable housing crisis and ensure that everyone has a safe and dignified place to call home.

I-135 is a bastion of hope for Seattle's renters, providing vital funding for constructing new social housing units and buildings for middle and low-income families. The measure brings a necessary shift in values, supporting the fundamental truth that housing is for people, not for profit, and is a public good.

While Washington CAN is proud to act as a driving force behind this critical win, we recognize the vital work of House Our Neighbors, who took the lead and laid the foundation to make this stunning success a reality.

This triumph is just the beginning. Washington CAN is steadfast in its commitment to winning affordable quality housing for everyone in Washington State.


For more information, please contact:

John Godfrey